Anita Murphy

Anita Murphy


My Vision for the Future

Intuition has clearly been a strong and ever present companion for most, if not all of my life. I can truly say that following my intuition led me to discover my passion for Real Estate and it has been such a satisfying profession! Looking back, Real Estate was a gift in my life that allowed me the freedom and ability to continue to pay it forward to one of my most beloved causes.

Michael and I were living in San Francisco in the early 1990’s when we heard that there was a massive shortage of minority people on the national bone marrow registry. We have always been extremely lucky with excellent health and therefore really didn’t fully grasp the depth of emotion nor satisfaction involved when a person is selected as a blood match & then called upon to donate bone marrow to a person who is at their most vulnerable,scary and desperate time in life.

13 years after I registered as a bone marrow donor, 2 cross country relocations across the US and 2 children later I received my letter that I was a potential blood match. I really wanted to say , “ oh no, I can’t do that now! I’ve changed my mind, I’m too busy ”, although I knew, deep down in my heart, that I could never walk away at that critical point.

It was a life changing decision. I had to wait 1 year before I could meet my recipient and what a monumentally emotional meeting it was! My recipient ( an only child) survives to this day. I absolutely love how all the loving forces of the universe aligned and brought us together. ( including intuition! )

My volunteer work for the bone marrow registry is immensely fulfilling and satisfying. My efforts ,which have centered on educating people at National Bone Marrow sponsored events, health fairs and similar events about the importance and continual need to register as possible bone marrow donors ,are infinitely inspired whenever I hear a story of a person who had been so gravely ill,feeling hopeless and facing their last chance and then finally finds a life line via a blood match in the registry and ultimately goes on to live a long & healthy life!

I’ve been given so much in this lifetime, including the obligation to pay it forward.

Resume / Awards

Ut. RE license in 2000